Our Events

12 NOV


RIPPLE Enablers Programs Boot camp Cohort “1”, Smart Village AASTMT Branch

A two days RIPPLE Enablers Programs Boot camp Cohort “1” will be held for more than 10  Egypt Universities. 

RIPPLE  is a new program for Entrepreneurship Centers and Incubator Managers in Egyptian Universities that aims at building their capacity as well as providing knowledge and resources that enables them to plan successful and sustainable Entrepreneurship Support programs.

The program will be delivered with participation of local and international experts specialized in supporting Entrepreneurship Support Organizations (ESOs) and enablers;, this will be building on the cumulative experience and extended network of supporters at the AAST Entrepreneurship Center. 

Rally Ripple program implemented by AAST entrepreneurship Center in partnership with National Bank of Egypt and supported by USAID’s Business Egypt Program.