Work Package 3

Work Package 3

Theoretical contents of the MSc shall be Core and Elective courses which are divided into two major fields:
Field one: Automated Mechanical Systems
Field two: Management and Control Systems
All fields as defined in F.2 "The project''s activities and methodology" shall be common between EU,EG and JOR academic partners to facilitate for double degree between EG, JOR and EU members. The development starts by defining the details of the curricula at the kick-off meeting based on the input from surveying reports and requirements from the academic and non-academic EG partners. The EU partners will then develop and establish the core of the courses, which will be later tailored by the academic EG, JOR partners and adapted to the local conditions. The courses will be tailored to serve EG, JOR industrial needs in sectors related to energy management and Energy saving. The Masters project/thesis part shall be developed based on EU academic partners’ experience with recommendations from EG, JOR non-academic relations. The development will include producing the course materials, exercises, assignments and examples of exams. Model answers for ed problems will be provided. Teaching aids will be designed.


IST will support the master courses in the fields of energy control, management and saving methodologies as well as energy resources. The partners UJ, AASTMT and HU will assist in conducting these courses.


SU support the master courses in the fields of software simulation and autonomous smart computational engineering systems. The partners JUST, NU, ASU will assist in conducting these courses.


UNIOVI will support the master courses in the fields of robotics, green computing, intelligent and embedded systems as well as energy resources. The partners HU and MU will assist in conducting these courses.


UCY will support the master courses in the fields of process system’s energy efficiency and sustainability. AASTMT and UJ will assist in conducting these courses.


WP3 Achievments.