
The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport is considered an international Arab organization, one of the specialized and pioneering Arab League organizations in the Arab world in the fields of education, training, scientific research and consultations since its establishment in 1972, and the League of Arab States Council Decision No. 3254 was issued on 4/26/1975 approving its establishment. Presidential Decision of the Arab Republic of Egypt No. 532 of 1975 published in the Official Gazette No. 18 dated 5/5/1975 approving its establishment, which was amended by Resolution of the University Council No. 5984 on 3/28/2000. Regarding its amendment, the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt issued Decree No. 63 of 2004 published in the Official Gazette in the issue of the forty-eighth year No. 45 dated 10/11/2005, and in order for the Academy to be transparent in dealing with its students, it was decided to set a regulation to regulate the rules and regulations of student behavior. In the Academy, where this regulation includes the rights and duties, and any breach of these rules or regulations is considered a violation of behavior, the perpetrator shall be punished with disciplinary action as will be mentioned in the regulation.