code EE514
credit_hours 3
title Robotics
arbic title
prequisites CC411-EE412 OR EE419
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes Concepts and theories of mathematics and sciences, appropriate to the discipline. Principles of design including elements design, process and/or a system related to specific disciplines. Methodologies of solving engineering problems, data collection and interpretation. Contemporary engineering topics. Principles of operation and performance specifications of electrical and electromechanical engineering systems. Analysis, design and implementation of various methods of control using analogue and digital control systems. Formulate the problem, realizing the requirements and identifying the constraints.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives Provide the students with main terminology, kinematics and dynamics of robot. This is important in order, for the students, to approach, the sensory system , actuators and control of robots.
arabic objectives
ref. books M. Shahipoor, " A Robot Engineering Textbook", Harbor & Row Pub. , NY , 1987. R.J. Schilring ," Fundamentals of Robotic Analyzing & Control ", Prentice -Hall ,1990. W. Stadler , " Analytical Robotics and Mechatronics" , McGraw-Hill Int. , 1995. L. Sciavico, B. Siciliano , " Modeling and Control of Robot", McGraw-Hill Inc., 1997.
arabic ref. books
textbook Philip John, “Introduction to Robotics”, Edison Wesley Publisher.
arabic textbook
objective set
content set
course file 45_EE514_EE 514.pdf
Course Content
content serial Description
1 Robotic systems.
2 Rigid motion and homogenous transformation.
3 Homogenous transformation.
4 Direct (forward) kinematics.
5 Direct (forward) kinematics.
6 Inverse solution of kinematic equation.
7 7th week exam + Inverse solution of kinematic equation.
8 Velocity (differential) kinematics(1).
9 Velocity (differential) kinematics(2).
10 Velocity (differential) kinematics(3).
11 Velocity kinematics (cont) and manipulator dynamics.
12 12th week exam + Manipulator robot dynamics.
13 Robot dynamics and robot control.
14 Robot control (1).
15 Robot control (2).
16 Final Exam.