code ME861
credit_hours 3
title Advanced Fluid Dynamics
arbic title
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes This course is about Advanced Fluid Dynamics. Topics start from fundamentals to develop therngeneral theory. From this, it proceeds to a study of inviscid flow in two and three dimensions,rnviscous flow including both viscous and thermal boundary layer theory, flow stability, turbulence,rnand a succinct introduction to computational fluid dynamics. It offers exceptional pedagogy, forrnboth class-room use and self-instruction, including many worked-out examples, end-of-chapterrnproblems, and actual computer programs that can be used to reinforce theory with real-worldrnapplications. Numerical methods are introduced throughout the text where appropriate. The textrnintroduces three-dimensional fluid mechanics to the engineering student, using classical theoryrnaccompanied by modern computational methods. Unfamiliar mathematics is explained in the textrnand in a mathematical appendix. The approach to the individual aspects covered are embeddedrnin the real world, showing the student how the idealizations learned can be put to use for solvingrncomplex engineering problems
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives Presenting recent developments in the area of Fluid Dynamics.rnIntroduces students to inviscid and viscous flows.rnIntroduces students to flow stability.rnOutlines and mentions turbulence and introduction to computational fluid dynamics.
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ref. books Graebel, W.P., “Advanced Fluid Mechanics”, ISBN: 9788131220092, SKU:rn2020206001675, Latest Edition.rn Hutter, Kolumban, Wang, and Yongqi, “Fluid and Thermodynamics, Volume 2: AdvancedrnFluid Mechanics and Thermodynamic Fundamentals”, 2016.rn41rn Oh, H.W., “Advanced Fluid Dynamics”, ISBN 978-953-51-0270-0, Latest edition.
arabic ref. books
arabic textbook
objective set
content set
course file 53_ME861_861.pdf
Course Content
content serial Description
1 Introduction
2 Iinviscid flow in two and three dimensions
3 Inviscid flow in two and three dimensions (Cont.).
4 Viscous flow including both viscous and thermal boundary layer theory.rn
5 Viscous flow including both viscous and thermal boundary layer theory (Cont.)
6 Viscous flow including both viscous and thermal boundary layer theory (Cont.)
7 Viscous flow including both viscous and thermal boundary layer theory (Cont.)
8 Flow stability
9 Flow stability (Cont.).rn
10 Flow stability (Cont.).rn
11 Turbulence
12 Turbulence (Cont.)
13 Turbulence (Cont.)
14 Introduction to computational fluid dynamics
15 Introduction to computational fluid dynamics (Cont.)
16 Final Examniation