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Sohaila Hassan Kamal ELGazar

Assistant Lecturer


Dr. Sohaila El-Gazar is a teaching assistant of Transport Operations Management at Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport - College of International Transport and Logistics. She previously taught courses in Air Transport Management, Freight Forwarding Management, Liner Trade, Multi Modal Transport Management, Inland Transport and Import and Export Management in the BSc program. The current research focus is on The Barriers that Limit the Usage of Inland Waterways in Transportation in Egypt. Dr. Sohaila holds a BSc degree in International Transport Management from The Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport and holds an MSc degree in Supply Chain Management from The Arab Institute for Trade and Commodity Exchange. Dr.Sohaila El-Gazar Assistant Lecturer, Sep 2010 - up till now Transportation Major, College of International Transport & Logitics Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport



Doctorate - Huddersfield University -

PhD Business School


Master - MSC -

Masters Supply chain Managment


work experience

2010 - Till Now

Teaching assistant

Transport logistics Management

academic experience


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Honors & awards


eduction- conference

eduction certifcates honors-work shop and conference organizing

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Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term


New Damietta Country for Furniture

Consulting Project
Start Date : 03 Sep 2023-17 Oct 2023
Discussing the problems and challenges facing the new Dameitta country and recommending solutions to overcome these challenges

Shipbuilding and maintenance

Funded Project
Start Date : 01 Feb 2023-01 Feb 2023
For studying challenges and capabilities of buildings ships in the Arab countries and MiddleEast


Funded Project
Start Date : 01 Jan 2022-01 Jan 2022
For drivers training

contact Me

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