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Assistant Lecturer

Assistant lecturer


Mai Aboul-dahab is an assistant lecturer at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport. She completed her masters of science in architecture in summer 2017. In her masters research she explored gender segregated spaces in Cairo and the relations of power they reveal, with an emphasis on the ways in which culture differences affect our perception of space and power. She is interested in links between architecture, gender studies and anthropology with a special interest in studying them within the Arab world. Her primary areas of teaching are architectural design and urban design where she aims at integrating her interests in gender studies and anthropology within design discourses and practice.



Master - College of engineering, AASTMT -

Masters of Science Architectural and environmental design


Bachelor - College of engineering, AASTMT -

Bachelor Architectural and environmental design


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academic experience


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Professional Experience

  • Arab Council for Social Sciences (ACSS). Oct. 2018 to August 2019
    Ù‹Writing fellow in New Paradigms Factory, Cycle 3. Theme: Gendered Resistance.


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