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Ahmed Maher Hemida

Assistant Professor, Construction and Building Engineering


Ahmed Maher Abdeldaim Hemida received his bachelor’s degree (Spring 2009) and master’s degree (Spring 2014) in Construction and Building Engineering from Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT), Egypt. Hemida started his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering at North Dakota State University (NDSU), USA, for one semester in Spring 2017. He transferred his Ph.D. program to Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T), USA, in Fall 2017. In May 2022, he received his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from Missouri S&T, USA. He received the Missouri Asphalt Pavement Association (MAPA) scholarship award during his Ph.D. program in 2018-2019 and 2021-2022. Hemida also worked as a graduate teaching assistant from 2009 to 2014 at AASTMT, an assistant lecturer from 2014 to 2016 at AASTMT, and a graduate research/teaching assistant from 2017 to 2020 at NDSU and Missouri S&T. It was his honor to deliver a lecture in the Advanced Materials Lecture Series, International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), Sweden, and receive the IAAM Young Scientist Medal accordingly. Hemida had research interests in bio-binders, particularly guayule resin, as an innovative approach for sustainable flexible pavement industry. Guayule resin represented one of the guayule byproducts extracted with the main product (guayule natural rubber). The scope was investigating and enhancing the behavior of guayule resin in partial and entire asphalt cement replacement. Hemida’s research got attention of several international journals [e.g., Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE) ¬ Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier) – Journal of Cleaner Production (Elsevier) – Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier) – Transportation Engineering (Elsevier) – Recycling (MDPI) – Advances in Civil Engineering Materials (ASTM)] and conferences [e.g., Transportation Research Board (TRB) – Transportation Infrastructure Conference (Missouri S&T and MoDOT)]. Hemida also made peer-review activities for reputable journals and conferences such as Scientific Reports (Nature) – Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier) – Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE) – Transportation Research Record (TRR), Journal of Transportation Research Board (TRB) – Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures, (Emerald Publishing) – Journal of Renewable Materials (Tech Science Press) – Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting (Transportation Research Board).



Doctorate - Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA -

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Civil Engineering


Master - Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Egypt -

Master of Science Construction and Building Engineering


Bachelor - Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Egypt -

Bachelor Construction and Building Engineering


work experience

2022 - Till Now

Assistant Professor

Construction & Building Engineering

2017 - 2019

Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant

Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

2016 - 2017

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Civil and Environmental Engineering

2014 - 2017

Assistant Lecturer

Construction & Building Engineering

2009 - 2014

Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)

Construction & Building Engineering

academic experience


You can filter publications by years

Honors & awards


Affiliate Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (Aff.M.ASCE), May, 2022.

Member of the International Association of Advanced Materials (MIAAM), Sweden, April 21, 2022 to April 21, 2025.

Member of the Transportation and Development Institute of ASCE, January 17, 2022 to December 31, 2023.

Student Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (S.M.ASCE), January, 2022.

Poster Winner-2nd Place in Poster Competition, Advanced Construction and Materials Laboratory (ACML) Open House, Missouri S&T, USA, Dec 02, 2021.

IAAM Young Scientist Medal from the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), Sweden, Nov 16, 2021.

Missouri Asphalt Pavement Association (MAPA) scholarship award for recognition of a scholastic scholarship awarded for character, integrity, leadership, and contribution to the infrastructure field, 2021-2022.

Missouri Asphalt Pavement Association (MAPA) scholarship award for recognition of a scholastic scholarship awarded for character, integrity, leadership, and contribution to the infrastructure field, 2018-2019.

Received six professional development hours, Transportation Infrastructure conference, USA, April 22, 2019.

"International Computer Driving License - ICDL" in the Computer Services Center at AASTMT, July 10, 2012.

“Educational Training program for teaching assistants and lecturers", July 17-21, 2011.

"Program Assessment Leaders" - Accreditation Board of Engineering & Technology (ABET), April 3-4, 2010.

“Teaching using Technology – MOODLE", Oct 13-15, 2009.

AASTMT President Awards for Distinguished Academic Achievement, 2004-2009.

Several grants for excellence from Arab Academy for Science and Technology, 2004-2009.

Egyptian Engineers Syndicate Award of Merit for Distinguished Achievement through the middle school, Sept 11, 2001.

Professional Experience

  • Member of the International Association of Advanced Materials (MIAAM), Sweden, April 21, 2022 to April 21, 2025.

  • Member of the Transportation and Development Institute of ASCE, January 17, 2022 to December 31, 2023.

  • Affiliate Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (Aff.M.ASCE), May, 2022.

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) – Alexandria, Egypt, Sep 2009–Jul 2014.

  • Assistant Professor, Construction and Building Engineering Dept, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) – Abu Qir, Alexandria, Egypt, 2022-Present.

  • Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T) – Rolla, MO, USA, 2017–2020.

  • Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, North Dakota State University (NDSU) – Fargo, ND, USA, Spring 2017.

  • Assistant Lecturer, College of Engineering and Technology, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT) – Alexandria, Egypt, Jul 2014–Dec 2016.


  • Sporting Day of Constuction & Building Engineering Dept.
    A lot of sporting activities with our students such as (volley, basketball, football, handball, ping-bong, swimming, gym...etc)
  • Engineering Day
    Compensation in Engineering day with our modern projects in Construction & Building Eng. Dept.

Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

CB271 - Construction Surveying 1

2023 Spring Semester View All Content

CB502 - Project 2

2023 Spring Semester View All Content

CB350 - Building Materials & Testing

2023 Spring Semester View All Content

CB575 - Special Topics in Transportation Engineering

2023 Spring Semester View All Content

CB251 - Testing of Materials

2023 Spring Semester View All Content

CB370 - Surveying

2023 Spring Semester View All Content

CB370 - Surveying

2022 Fall Semester View All Content

CB 741 R - Bituminous and Cement Mixes for Construction

2022 Fall Semester View All Content

CB501 - Project 1

2022 Fall Semester View All Content

CB271 - Construction Surveying 1

2022 Fall Semester View All Content

CB350 - Building Materials & Testing

2022 Fall Semester View All Content

CB575 - Special Topics in Transportation Engineering

2022 Fall Semester View All Content

CB370 - Surveying

2015 Spring Semester View All Content

CB472 - Transportation and Traffic Engineering

2015 Spring Semester View All Content

CB271 - Construction Surveying 1

2015 Spring Semester View All Content

CB474 - Highway Design and Construction

2015 Spring Semester View All Content

CB573 - Construction Surveying II

2011 Fall Semester View All Content


Asphalt Sustainability using Reclaimed Asphalt Pavment (RAP) and Rejuvenators

Graduation Project
Start Date : 18 Feb 2023-18 Feb 2023

contact Me

Branch : AASTMT AbuKir Branch, Alexandria, Egypt

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Location : AbuKir 115 115