Safety precautions to limit COVID 19

Alamein campus, adopts rigorous and exhaustive safety precautions to limit the spread of any infection including COVID-19.

Our measures begin 110 km away from the campus:

Body temperature is carefully checked for each student prior boarding our pre-sanitized coaches.

Once the busses reach safely at the campus, we recheck the body temperature for everyone before entering the facility.

Regulations within the campus:

Social distancing is highly emphasized among the students and staff members.

Alcohol antiseptics are freely available and widely distributed all over the campus even within the bathrooms.

Bathrooms are cleaned and sanitized regularly during the day.

Regulations within the laboratories:

The labs are cleaned and sanitized twice per day, between the practical sessions where no students inside. In addition, the capacity is reduced to half, to prevent cramming inside the sections.

Students are seated 1 -1.5 meters away from each other at all times even during the practical work.


Students of different academic years are scheduled to attend in separate days during the week, to further reduce the campus capacity.

In case of suspected case:

If one of the students showed or complained from any symptoms, he would immediately be guided to the campus clinic where he would get the required professional care, including being separated from the other students.

Students are only allowed to pursue their practical work at the campus after providing accredited lab results that confirm their health status.