Education and Student Affairs

year 2011


Ser.AAST Author(s)Research/Author(s)
AAST Author(s)  Bolded
Journal/ Volume/ Issuejournal Ranking 
1أ. د. محمد سعيد أبو النصر
د. هبة أحمد محمد شعبان
Localization with sub-millimeter Accuracy for UWB-Based Wearable Human Movement Radar System
H. A. Shaban, M. A. El-Nasr, and R. M. Buehrer     
Journal of Electromagnetic Wave and Applications
Vol. 25, 2011, pp. 1633– 1644
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
2أ.د. اشرف ممدوح عبد العزيز A novel all-neighbor fuzzy association approach for multi-target tracking in a cluttered environment
Author: Ashraf M. Aziz       
Signal Processing
Vol. 91, 2011, pp. 2001– 2015
Signal Processing
Q2SCImago Journal ranking
3أ.د. أشرف ممدوح عبد العزيز
د. احمد مصطفى البقل
A new soft-fusion Approach for Multiple-receiver wireless communication systems
Authors: Ashraf M. Abdel Aziz, Ahmed M. ELBakly, H.A. Azeem, and Gamal A. Hamid
ETRI Journal,
Vol. 33, 2011, pp. 310– 319
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2SCImago Journal ranking
4أ.د. أشرف ممدوح عبد العزيزA soft-decision fusion approach for multiple-sensor distributed binary detection systems
Author: Ashraf M. Abdel Aziz
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronics Systems
Vol. 47, 2011, pp. 2208– 2216
Aerospace Engineering
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
5أ.د. إيهاب فاروق بدران
د. عمرو ماجد الحلو 
A novel Semi-Blind Selected Mapping, Technique for PARR Reduction in OFDM
Authors: Ehab F. Badran and Amr. M. El-Helw   
IEEE Signal Processing Letters
Vol. 18, No. 9, 2011, pp. 493– 496
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
6أ.د. درويش عبد العزيز
د. محمد حسن الشرقاوى
 المهندسة / إيمان جلال إبراهيم 
Design of compact micro strip filter with large reject band using new multisectioned T-shaped defected ground structure and multilayer technique
Authors: M. Al Sharkawy, A.Boutejdar, D. Abd El Aziz, and E. Galal     
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters
Vol. 53, 2011, pp 1770-1774
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Q2SCImago Journal ranking
7أ.د. علاء عبد الواحد حسن عبد البارىCombined Heat and Mass Transfer for Unsteady MHD Flow of Perfect Conducting Micropolar Fluid with Thermal Relation
Authors: M. Ezzat, A. A. El bary
, and S. Ezzat      
Journal of Energy Conversion and Management
Vol.52, June 2011, pp. 934 – 945
Energy Engineering and Power Technology
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
8أ.د. عمرو على حسن
Influence of parent vessel dominancy on fluid dynamics of anterior communicating artery Aneurysms
Authors: T. Hassan, A. Hassan, and Y. Ahmed       
Acta Neurochirugica
Vol. 310, 2011, pp. 305– 310
Neuroscience (miscellaneous)
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
9أ.د. محمد سعيد أبو النصر
د. هبة أحمد محمد شعبان
Reference Range (RRCR) Ranging and performance Bounds for in-Body UWB-Based Body Sensor Network
Authors: H. A. Shaban, M. A. El-Nasr
, and R. M. Buehrer    
Progress In Electromagnetics Research B
Vol.35, 2011, pp. 69-85
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
10أ.د. محمد سعيد أبو النصر
د. هبة أحمد محمد شعبان
Low power IR-UWB coherent TOA estimators with suboptimal sinusoidal template for UWB-based body area networks
Authors: M. A. El-Nasr, H. A. Shaban, and R. M. Buehrer     
Wireless Networks" Journal of Mobile Communications, Computation and Information
Vol.17, 2011, pp. 1641– 1648
Computer networks and communications
Q2SCImago Journal ranking
11أ.د. محمد عبد الفتاح طعيمة
أ.د. أحمد فاروق الصفطى
المهندسة/ إيناس زكريا شفيق مسعود
Numerical Simulation of double-diffusive natural Convective flow in an inclined rectangular enclosure in the presence of magnetic field and heat source
Authors: M. Teamah, A. Elsafty, and E. Massoud
International journal thermal science
Vol.52, 2012, pp. 161-175
Chemical Engineering
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
12د. احمد قدرى احمد عبد السلامVector Control PWM-VSI Induction Motor Drive with a Long Motor Feeder: Performance Analysis of Line Filter Networks
Authors: Ahmed K. Abdelsalam, M.I. Masoud, S.J. Finney, and B.W. Williams
IET Electric Power Application
Vol. 5, 2011, pp. 393– 477
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Q2SCImago Journal ranking
13د. الفصيل عبد الحميد محمد حسنElectrogravitational Stability of Oscillating Streaming Fluid Cylinder Ambient with a Transverse Varing Electric Field
Author: Alfaisal A Hasan
"Boundary Value Problems"
NO. 31, 2011.
Algebra and Number Theory
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
14د. أمانى محمد الزنقلى
Fault diagnosis in distribution networks with distributed generation
Author: A. M. El-Zonkoly  
Electric power systems research
Vol. 81, 2011, pp. 1482 – 1490
Energy Engineering and Power Technology
Q2SCImago Journal ranking
15د. أمانى محمد الزنقلىOptimal placement of multi-distributed generation units including different load models using particle swarm optimisation
Author: A. M. El-Zonkoly       
IET Generation, Transmission, and Distribution
Vol. 5, 2011, pp. 760 – 771
Energy Engineering and Power Technology
Q2SCImago Journal ranking
16. د. ايمان شفيق الملاح
د. شريف جمال الشرقاوى
Influence of circulation indices upon winter temperature variability in Egypt
Authors: E.S. Elmallah and S.G. Elsharkawy
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Vol. 73, 2011, pp. 439–448
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
17د. سمير يوسف محمد مرزوق Ultrasonic, FTIR and thermal investigation of SIO2-Na2O-CaO-P2O5 glasses doped with CeO2
Author: S.Y. Marzouk  
Philosophical Magazine, Taylor & Francis
Vol. 90, Issue 33, November 2010, pp. 4393 – 4407
Q2SCImago Journal ranking
18د. سمير يوسف محمد مرزوق
Gamma ray interaction with MoO3 – doped lead phosphate glasses
Authors: F.H. El Batal, S. M. Abdo- Naf , S.Y. Marzouk       
Philosophical Magazine
Vol. 91, 2011, pp. 341 – 356
Material Science
Q2SCImago Journal ranking
19د. سمير يوسف محمد مرزوق
Structural investigation and simulation of acoustic properties of some tellurite glasses using artificial intelligence technique
Authors: M.S. Gaafar, Mostafa A.M. Abdeen, S.Y. Marzouk    
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Vol. 5, 2011, pp. 3566 – 3575
Metals and alloys
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
20د. طارق احمد السيدAssessment of  Safety Performance Indicators: A case study for Bauri Field
Authors: T. Elsayed
, H. Lehata, and H. Gadar      
Proceeding of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Part M., Vol. 225, No. 1, 2011, pp. 60 – 67
Ocean Engineering 
Q2SCImago Journal ranking
21د. طارق احمد السيد
Fuzzy inference system for fire and explosion risk assessment of floating storage and offloading vessels
Authors: T. Elsayed
, H. Lehata, and I. Belhaj      
Proceeding of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M., Vol. 225, No. 2, 2011, pp. 171 – 180
Ocean Engineering
Q2SCImago Journal ranking
22د. محمد عبد الحميد محمد عمرThe composite Milstein methods for the numerical solution of ITO stochastic differential equations
Authors: M.A. Omar, A. Aboul-Hassan, and S.I. Rabia      
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Vol. 235, 2011, pp. 2277– 2299
Numerical Analysis
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
23د. محمد عبد الظاهر عبد الرسولSeasonal variation of indoor radon concentration in dwellings of Alexandria City, Egypt
Authors: M. Abd El-Zaher
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
Vol. 143, 2011, pp. 56– 62
Nuclear Energy and
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
24د.أمانى محمد الزنقلى
أ.د. حسين الدسوقى
Wavelet entropy based algorithm for fault detection and classification in FACTS compensation transmission line
Authors: A. M. El-Zonkoly and H. Desouki 
International journal of electrical power and energy systems Vol. 33, 2011, pp. 1368 – 1374
Q1SCImago Journal ranking
25م. محمد رؤوف بهجت اباظة Erratum to Performance of APD- based, PPM free space optical communication system in atmospheric turbulence
Authors: Mohammed R. Abaza and Kamran Kiaseleh     
"IEEE Transactions on Communications
Vol. 59, NO. 9, 2011, pp. 26382639
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Q1SCImago Journal ranking