code AR522
credit_hours 2
title Colors and Lighting in Internal Spaces
arbic title -
prequisites AR114
credit hours 2
Description/Outcomes Color is an inherent visual property of all form. The colors we attribute to objects find their source in the light that illumines and reveals form & space. Without light, color does not exist. This course emphasis the study of color as a property of light. Study of color, hue, value & intensity. Altering colors with pigments or with light, the effects of adjacent colors, color schemes, tonal & chromatic distribution, texture & light, general lighting task lighting & accent lighting, brightness, contrast, glare, diffusion …etc. The course explores the use of light as a design element in interior spaces with an overview of the basics of electricity and electrical distribution systems.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives • Provide basic knowledge of colors and light in interior spaces.rn• Illustrate uses of light as a design element in interior spaces.
arabic objectives
ref. books • Faber Birren, Light, Color, and Environment, Schiffer Publishing, 1988.rn• John Pile, Color in Interior Design, McGraw-Hill Professional, 1997.rn• Jonathan Poore, Interior Color by Design, Rock Falls Inc., 1994
arabic ref. books
textbook N/A
arabic textbook
objective set
content set
course file 46_AR522_Colors & Light in Internal Spaces.pdf
Course Content
content serial Description
1 Introduction
2 Properties of colors.
3 Basic theories and principles of colors 1
4 Basic theories and principles of colors 2
5 Effects of color on human physiology as well as the therapeutic use of color for the psychological well-being of humans.
6 International example
7 Continuation of the previous lecture and evaluation.
8 Introduction to lighting in interiors
9 Basic theories and principles of natural lighting
10 Basic theories and principles of artificial lighting
11 New lighting technologies and International example
12 Continuation of the previous lecture and evaluation.
13 Research presentation
14 Research presentation
15 Revision.