code CB382
credit_hours 3
title Water Resources Engineering
arbic title
prequisites CB281
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes Watershed hydrology and hydraulic measurements - Principles of hydrologic modeling for surface water - Introduction to ground water engineering - Design of erodible and non-erodible channels open channels - Flow characterization of lakes & reservoirs and its design engineering - Design and construction aspects of water resources structures - Dams and ancillary water supply structures -Flood-damage mitigation and storm water control structures - Planning of water resources projects and introduction to water resources management - Field visits to water resources projects and laboratory facilities.
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives This course is designed to provide the students with the fundamentals of hydrology, water resources engineering and water resources management.
arabic objectives
ref. books Hydraulic Engineering”, Roberson, J.A., Cassidy J.J. and Chaudhury M.H., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1995rn"Flood Risk Management", G. Fleming, ed., ICE, Thomas Telford, London, U.K., 2000rn"Integrated Watershed Management in the Global Ecosystem", Lal, R., ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, USA, 2000rn"Computer Applications in Hydraulic Engineering-connecting theory to practice" Walski, M.T. (Ed), Haestad Press, Waterbury, CT, USA, 2002rn
arabic ref. books
textbook Water Resources Engineering”, R.Linsley, J.Franzini, J.Freyberg and G.Tchobanogolous, McGrawHill, Inc., New York, 1992
arabic textbook
objective set combined
content set combined
Course Content
content serial Description
1 Week No.1: Fields and management challenges of water resources (quality and quantity) for the municipal, industrial and agricultural sectors.
2 Week No.2: Watershed descriptive hydrology and measurements.
3 Week No.3: Quantitative hydrology and principles of sustainability.
4 Week No.4: Quantitative surface water hydrology.
5 Week No.5: Groundwater hydrology, and principles of sustainability.
6 Week No.6: Groundwater engineering.
7 Week No.7: Flow regimes in natural & open channel streams and sediment transport.
8 Week No.8: Design of water supply open channels uniform flow.
9 Week No.9: Design of water supply open channels: non-uniform flow.
10 Week No.10: Reservoirs and lakes.
11 Week No.11: Hydraulic structures for water resources management.
12 Week No.12: Hydraulic structures.
13 Week No.13: Flood-damage mitigation structures and storm-water management.
14 Week No.14: Sustainability of water resources management and effects of global climate change.
15 Week No.15: Case studies of water resources development and water quality management.
16 Week No.16: Final Exam.