code ME331T
credit_hours 3
title Heat Transfer
arbic title
prequisites EE239
credit hours 3
Description/Outcomes 1)analyze basic principles for conduction heat transfer.rn2)Apply the principles of conduction, convention and radiation modernof heat transfer to solve heat transfer problems.rn3)Design a heat exchangerthrough analysis ofthe thermal performancernof heat exchangers and recognize and evaluate the conflictingrnrequirements of heattransfer optimization and pressure rnminimization.rn
arabic Description/Outcomes
objectives This courseprovidesthe generalprinciplesofheattransfermethod,processes, heat exchangersdesign.Thisrnsyllabus covers the requirements of the STCW-78, as amended. In particular Chapter III, Section A-III/2rnforthe “MarineEngineeringattheManagementLevel”,STCW-78, asamended.The syllabusissorndesigned with the guide of IMO Model course 7.02, version 2014, 1. Operation, surveillance,rnperformance assessment and maintaining safety of propulsion plant and auxiliary machinery practicalrnknowledge.rn
arabic objectives
ref. books
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objective set
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course file 49_ME331T_Heat Transfer.pdf
Course Content
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