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Assistant Lecturer

Dina Mostafa Khalil Madkour

Teaching Assistant


Teaching Assistant at Arab Academy for Science and Technology.



Master - Arab Academy For Science and Technology -

Masters of Science Computer Engineering


Bachelor - Arab Academy For Science and Technology -

Bachelor degree Computer Engineering


work experience

academic experience


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Professional Experience


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

CC216 - Digital Logic Design

2020 Fall Semester View All Content

CC413 - Numerical Analysis

2020 Fall Semester View All Content

CC442 - Digital Design & Intro. to Microprocessor

2016 Spring Semester View All Content

CC216 - Digital Logic Design

2016 Spring Semester View All Content

CC112 - Structured Programming

2016 Spring Semester View All Content

CC111 - Introduction to Computers

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

CC114 - Introduction to Programming

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

CC112 - Structured Programming

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

CC112 - Structured Programming

2015 Spring Semester View All Content

CC213 - Programming Applications

2015 Spring Semester View All Content

CC114 - Introduction to Programming

2015 Spring Semester View All Content

CC111 - Introduction to Computers

2014 Fall Semester View All Content


contact Me

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Location : AbuKir AAST