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Assistant Lecturer

Ahmed Abd ElRaouf Ahmed

Assistant Lecturer


Ahmed Abdel-Raouf was born in Cairo, Egypt. He received the B.Sc.(Hons) degree from Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Cairo, Egypt, in 2013 where he is currently working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant and pursuing the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering. Ahmed worked in many activities that aims to serve the community such as the Egyptian Engineering Day(EED). He joined the Egyptian Engineering Day "EED" in 2012 while he was the chairman of IEEE AAST student branch. He led the Accommodation team in 2013. Later, he was vice-chairman of EED executive committee in 2015. Currently he is the Chairman of EED2016 the executive committee and the mentor of AAST student branch.



Master - Arab academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport -

M.Sc Electrical & Control Engineering


Bachelor - Arab academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport -

Bachelor Electrical & Control Engineering


work experience

2013 - Till Now

Teaching Assistant

Electrical and Control Dept.

academic experience


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Honors & awards


IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest 2018

First Prize in the IEEE Region 8 Student Paper Contest 2018. The Oral Presentations for the five finalists of the SPC 2018 were held on May 2 at Melecon 2018 at Marrakesh, Morocco. http://ieeer8.org/category/student-activities/awards-and-contests/

Professional Experience

  • IEEE

  • Egyptian Syndicate of Engineers


Teaching Courses

Course Academic year Term

EE323 - Power Electronics (1)

2016 Spring Semester View All Content

EE545 - High Voltage Engineering

2016 Spring Semester View All Content

EE418 - Automatic Control Systems

2016 Summer Semester View All Content

EE311 - Fundamentals of Control Engineering

2016 Summer Semester View All Content

EE211 - Electrical Measurements & Instrumentation (1)

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

EE441 - Power Systems (2)

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

EE328 - Electrical Power and Machines

2015 Fall Semester View All Content

EE419 - Modern control Engineering

2015 Spring Semester View All Content
- Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes

EE321 - Electrical Machines (1)

2015 Spring Semester View All Content
- Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes - Lectures Notes

EE231 - Electrical Circuits (1)

2013 Spring Semester View All Content


contact Me

Branch : AASTMT AbuKir Branch, Alexandria, Egypt

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Mobile : 01003111399

Email: Send Email

Location : AbuKir AAST B113