Technology Innovation Commercialization Offices



TICO project aims at pushing forward technological development in the society to activate the role of scientific research and link it with industry, fostering trust between them, through the establishment of a network of specialized offices in research and industrial compounds working in technology transfer and commercialization, overseeing research projects, giving information on opportunities for funding and international cooperation and disseminating the culture of intellectual property and patents.



Activating the role of scientific research, linking it with industry and fostering trust between them for the purpose of finding solutions to problems upon industry request (Demand & Delivery).  

Supporting innovation and technology in the areas that, according to the national vision, have priority, reaching entrepreneurship by developing the business of existing industrial companies (spin off), and establishing small-scale and medium-scale industries.

Thereupon, the AASTMT undertook the initiative to create a specialized office supported by the the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) aiming to support innovation, technology transfer and commercialization (TICO) in research and industrial compounds, which include:



Activating and supporting the role of universities and research and development centers in industrial areas and compounds, production companies, development sectors of the government and the private sector as well as distinction centers that provide solutions to industrial problems and technological development.

The scientific management of these offices that work on transferring and adapting the results of researches, studies, innovations and inventions for the application entities within the geographic zone as a first step and then within the country as a whole through the network linking the different offices through the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT).

Supporting industrial encouragement to gain the trust of scientific research and build effective collaboration with it through affecting and being affected by each other. This is achieved through adopting successful experiences and publicizing them.

Sites of Innovation Support Offices and Technology Transfer and Commercialization Offices:

The AASTMT office is one of the other 26 offices which have been established as a first stage through a financial aid that extends for two years, after which it is to be financed autonomously. These offices aim at activating the role of universities, research centers, and industrial unions and compounds and increasing their efficiencies by linking this role to the needs of the society and encouraging entrepreneurship. This is achieved through an institutional system that aims at increasing and supporting the powers and abilities that result from applicable scientific research, innovations and inventions in the beneficiary entities that are closely linked to the results of scientific research.


The support of the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology to the AASTMT TICO office

  1. A two-year financial support for establishing and activating the missions of the offices.
  2. Supporting the training of members of internal and external offices.
  3. Providing communication opportunities between the different offices, the industry and the society.
  4. Supporting scientific publishing, patenting of inventions and development of prototypes.
  5. Supporting the use of local and foreign expertise.
  6. Disseminating successful examples of scientific research in order to benefit from them.
  7. Continuous coordination, follow-up and assessment through the Academy&rsquos main office.