Registration Procedures

Registration System and Procedures

Students have to abide by the starting date of registration according to the academic calendar announced on the Academy website.

The registration process is as follows:

  1. Students are to register electronically via their student portal or with the help of their academic advisor in their designated colleges on announced dates.

  2. Students can register a number of hours each term, provided that they do not exceed the maximum academic load allowed or go below the minimum limit. 

  3. Students can drop or add a registered course during the announced dates while abiding by all registration rules and regulations.

  4. In case students do not finalize registration procedures during the allotted time, they must apply for postponing the semester. Otherwise, they are considered absentees for this particular semester.

Academic Load

Students’ academic load is determined at the beginning of each semester in light of their previous achievements and GPA as follows:

  1. The maximum academic load that can be registered is 18 credit hours.

  2. The minimum academic load that can be registered is 9 credit hours, except for graduating students.

  3. The maximum number of courses that can be registered during the summer semester is two courses, except for critical cases approved by the Academy President.

  4. Students with a minimum GPA of 3.00 may register for an additional course in the regular semester if allowed by timetables and final exam schedules.

  5. Final year students (last two semesters) may increase the academic load to 21 credit hours. The college must examine each of those cases individually.

  6. Students may not register for any course unless they have completed its prerequisites. Graduating students are an exception and are only granted that after the concerned college studies their cases.

  7. Students can register courses from higher semesters in order to complete their academic load, provided that they complete the course prerequisites (if any). If students are unable to register their allotted academic load, available courses suffice even if the minimum number of hours is not reached.

Academic Probation and “Underachievement”

  • Students are placed under academic probation if:
    • Their GPA is below 2.0. Accordingly, students’ academic load is reduced and they are not entitled to register more than 12 credit hours in one academic semester (half load). The academic advisor’s recommendation is mandatory for determining the courses to be registered.
  • Students are placed on the “underachievement” list if:
    • Their achieved credit hours are less than 50% of the total number of hours they were supposed to complete since they joined AASTMT.
  • Measures taken with students on academic probation or “underachievement” list:
    • The department issues a warning to the student to raise his/her GPA to a minimum of 2.0 or achieve a number of hours that exceeds 50% of the total study hours that are supposed to be completed in all the semesters spent at the Academy. The phrases “student under academic probation” or “student with academic underachievement” appear on the student’s transcript.
    • The maximum duration for a student to remain on the list of academic probation or underachievement in his/her department is three consecutive semesters. A student is subsequently guided by the academic advisor to choose another educational path suitable for his/her capabilities, such as:

      • Transferring to another department within the same college which is suitable for the student’s capabilities (while meeting the requirements of the department transferred to).

      • Transferring to another AASTMT college suitable for his/her capabilities, provided that the college admission requirements are met (high school total at the time of admission to AASTMT in addition to the requirements of the department transferred to).

  • A student who has received academic probation twice or an underachievement warning may be expelled completely from AASTMT after referring to the Academy President in the following cases:

    • If he/she does not achieve a minimum GPA of 2.00 by the end of the third semester of receiving a second academic warning or remaining in a state of underachievement in the new department, he/she has transferred to.

    • If he/she does not achieve the graduation requirements in a maximum period of double the study period in his/her college.