Graduation Requirements

To qualify for a bachelor’s degree in any of the offered programs, the candidate must:

1. Achieve 132 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 2.0, distributed as follows:

  •  Humanities, Ethics, and Social Sciences (University Requirements): 10 credit hours (7.6%).
  •  Mathematics and Basic Sciences: 24 credit hours (18.1%)
  •  Basic Computing Sciences and Character Building (College Requirements): 50 credit hours (37.9%).
  •  Applied Computing Sciences (Specialization): 48 credit hours (36.4%)
    •  36 Compulsory credit hours
    •  12 Major Electives credit hours 

2. Successfully pass 4 professional training courses (zero credit) in trending areas.

3. Successfully conduct practical summer training.

Credit hours Unit:

  • 1 contact hour (lecture) = 1 credit hour
  • 2 or 3 contact hours (Tutorial & lab) = 1 credit hour

Admission Exam English Proficiency

In semester 1, a preparatory course, Remedial English, is registered in case of students not achieving minimum English proficiency in the admission exam.